Summer Programmes 2015 暑期課程 (6/7- 24/8)

Our Summer Discount Offers 暑期學費大優惠:

  1. Early Bird Discount - 5% off for registration before June 6th 凡於6月6日前報名,可獲九五折優惠;
  2. Multiple Registration Discount -  up to 25% off for multiple registration of certain courses*  報讀指定課程*優惠高達七五折;
  3. Sibling Discount- 5% off for sibling registration 兄弟姊妹報讀可獲九五折優惠;
  4. Regular Course Tuition Rebate* - 5% off for registration of September regular courses before August 8th 於8月8日前報讀九月恆常課程,可享5% 學費回贈*

* Notes: 

  1. Certain courses include: Super Tot Preparatory Class, Free Birdie Summer Playschool, Summer Day Camp, English Summer Camp  指定課程包括入學適應班, 夏日小小學堂, 智樂滿FUN夏日營, 英語夏令營
  2. September regular course tuition fee rebate cannot apply together with other regular course promotion offers 九月恆常課程學費回贈優惠不能與其他恆常課程優惠同時使用