2018 Summer Programme

下載報名表格 Download application form
1.Early Bird Discount - 15% OFF for registration before June 1st 凡於6月1日前報名及付款,可獲八五折優惠;
2.Multiple Registration Discount - up to 44% OFF for multiple registration of certain courses*報讀指定課程*優惠高達五六折;
3.Second course additional 10% OFF, third course 20% OFF 報讀第二個課程*額外九折優惠,第三個課程*額外八折優惠;
4.Sibling Discount- 5% OFF for sibling registration 兄弟姊妹報讀可獲九五折優惠;
5.Regular Course Tuition Rebate* - 5% OFF for registration of September regular courses before August 17th 於8月17日前報讀九月恆常課程,可享5% 學費回贈*
1.Certain courses include: Free Birdie Summer Playschool, Summer Day Camp 指定課程包括: 夏日小小學堂, 智繽FUN夏日營
2.i) Second course discount only applies to the same student; ii)Course with lower price will be counted as “second course”; iii) Discount only applies to full course registration i)第二課程優惠只適用於同一學生; ii)學費較低之課程會被視作第二課程; iii)必須報讀全期課程方可享有折扣;
3. September regular course tuition fee rebate cannot apply together with other regular course promotion offers 九月恆常課程學費回贈優惠不能與其他恆常課程優惠同時使用
請點擊以下課程名稱瀏覽課程資料 Please click on class title to view details
Age Group組別: 1-3 Years old
Age Group 組別: 3-5 Years old
Age Group 組別: 6 Years old or above 升P1-P6