歡樂小時光學習小組 Kiddie Time Study Fun Group
(3+歲以上 3+ yrs)



Build your toddler's enthusiasm to explore their surroundings and start to immerse your child in a new language in an interactive environment. Your child will enjoy building interpersonal skills, foster new relationships, and explore their budding abilities as young learners. The class will be run in Cantonese supplementary with English, which can help your child to adapt the transition before he/ she enters local school. Homework tutoring would be provided as if needed.


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對象 Target: 3歲以上 Aged 3 years or above

活動 Activities:

  • 唱遊,講故事,主題活動,圖工,學習跟進

Theme based activities, Circle time,  Arts and Crafts, Homework tutoring

語言 Language: 英文/ 廣東話 English/ Cantonese