Free Birdie 小小學堂 (3歲以上) - 不需家長陪同
Free Birdie Playschool (3 years old or above) - Unaccompanied
讓小朋友通過小班活動,模擬學校生活,培養獨立能力及適應群體活動,建立自理能力與學習分享及輪候態度。每日設有唱遊,故事,大小肌肉活動,茶點 及不同的主題活動,如美勞,烹飪,角色扮演等,為小朋友製造一個愉快的學習環境。課堂並加入認識英文字母丶識數、寫前練習等元素,讓小朋友更輕鬆地過渡到幼稚園學習生活。
Your child will enjoy building interpersonal skills, foster new relationships, and explore their budding abilities as young learners. This is a great preparation for entering Kindergarten with small group sizes to encourage independence in a safe and familiar environment through stimulating activities such as Singing and movement, Storytelling, Games, Snack time, Arts and crafts and Cooking, your children would enjoy a fun filled and happy learning experience. Learning activities such as alphabet, numbers and counting, pre-writing exercises are included in this class giving your child a head start in kindergarten.
對象 Target: 36個月以上 Aged 36 months or above
時間 Time: 星期一至星期五 Monday to Friday (公眾假期除外 Except public holiday)
活動 Activities: 自由活動,唱遊,講故事,主題活動,大小肌肉活動,排洗,小食時間,圖工
Free play, Singing and movement, Theme based activities, Circle time, Toilet time and Snack time, Arts and Crafts
語言 Language: 英文/ 廣東話 English/ Cantonese
學費 Costs(按月收費 monthly payment):